Tag Archives: reflection.reactions

Tell Me the Truth or Don’t Bother to Talk at All

“Honesty is the best policy.”

A seemingly simple statement that has a very complicated meaning behind. I’ve seen this in every wall of a classroom on my Elementary days and still there are. As a child telling the truth was never an issue, you wont think what will happen or what would others say in the future. What is important, is that you tell the truth, plain as possible. A child is careless, yes, but wouldn’t it be nice if you get a little loose for yourself and don’t get too restrained.

There are white lies, black lies or whatever color of lies may be available but sticking to truth can give you a friend, not just a simple friend but a friend that last. Another is that you get to save lives. The fun part is, you know a person DEEPLY, and what if it’s the important one? that would be cool isn’t it? well not exactly, if you know what I mean. hahaha

Telling lies would make you lose a job, a friend, a love interest etc. Just one mistake and you’d lose them all. Me on the other hand would be extremely polite to stay in that kind of conversation for five minutes.

Be a walking truth. Be true to your words. Be true to yourself and if your thinking to tell lies, no matter what color, it’s okay to be silent. You don’t have to agree or disagree to someone else’ opinion all the time.

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My 10 Truths of Life

Recently a friend of mine showed me her Psychology project. It was inspiring so I came up with this.

For nineteen years that I existed here on earth, these are some of the things I have understood and experienced.

1. Receiving Jesus in you heart is the start of your battle against darkness.

2. Sacrifice and understanding are the essential elements of love.

3. You create your own destiny.

4. Take a leap of change for the benefit of all.

5. Let passion lead you to success.

6. Self authenticity is extremely hard but nothing is impossible.

7. Few men sees the true beauty of the world.

8. Some birds aren’t meant to be caged. their feathers are just too bright. (Shawshank Redemption)

9. Change is a great tug of war between past and present.

10. Happiness can also be found in the smallest kind of interaction.

So what about you? You can share yours 😉

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The Contaminated Justice

What is justice?

Ideally, it is sending someone who abides the law. But with all the filters and hands that it all came through, I happen to ask myself:

“How pure was the justice served?” or maybe “Is there any Justice left?”

Consider Justice as a glass of water. Pure, colorless, clean. Then came ten men aligned to drink from it. One by one, they drink, so it would be enough for everybody. As they pass down the glass over one another, unseen filth increases while the germs is pass down to one another too. Saliva gets on the water, hands that has million germs but you ignore it. You may not see it but you know it’s there. The water gets contaminated until there’s no more left.

It might be very silly talking about saliva and germs in here but it maybe the best way to explain what I think about the matter. In real life it is way more complicated, bloody and cruel. There is not just a ten people who contaminate Justice. There are thousands of them out there. Unfortunately, many gets involve; family, future, security and all kinds of things you can bargain. It’s a like a tree, the longer the progress, the deeper the roots set in, it even multiply to thousands of sub-roots.

Somehow it occur to me that these people are really good at making injustice invisible, I wonder if Harry Potter lend them the invisibility cloak. (I’m sorry, pretty bad on joking)On how they pass down the wrong information and the fraud that they know they are involve to; to made them feel that as if they did nothing bad. How come this people take it to their guts? Is it the need of money, family security, indulgence?

Worst of all, innocent people suffer and die. It’s not hard to imagine what happens — it’s all over the news most of the time. Though there’s unseen brutality not just behind the bars but those who were caged in secrecy. Many story reveal what happens, it comes with different mediums: films, books, articles and many more. These mediums try to change something inside us but unfortunately we use to pretend that we didn’t see or hear something.

Justice is a rough road. It has many facets. But we are human; we have the gift of intelligence, to tell what’s right and wrong to prove what is good and bad. Unfortunately we have come to the point where we complicate the world, even ourselves. The law is too complicated, life is complicated but sometimes a simple understanding is enough to have enlightenment; just like thinking that a tree has a life than counting its leaves to prove it.

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